Started out as a little phrase that our founder had his kids say every night after their evening prayers in hopes that they wouldn’t grow up to become people capable of becoming emotionally crippled by mere words or actions that aren’t physically assaulting in nature.
We here at TBOITBW are a small group of America-loving guys and girls that absolutely adore the freedoms that this country provides – especially the First Amendment. Some of us are veterans, but we are all a couple of productive hard-working patriots who don’t have time to piddle around with the ever-growing list of crap rules they* want us to follow. Frankly, we are sick and tired of hearing about how people are “offended” by this or by that. Or worrying about “offending” someone or some group with the ever-shifting goal posts in today’s society. Aren’t you? Our world has created a scenario where individuals can now benefit, in multiple ways, from claiming they are “offended.” What the heck does that even mean? We do know that it has become advantageous, both socially and professionally, for people to wallow in their own self-pity. Can we go on like this?
Our Mission
Sure – our slogan, “To Be Offended is to Be Weak”, at first hear or glance might seem a bit abrasive but that’s because it is. This is the point. Our mission is to enhance the visibility of a view-point that we think is held by a huge swath of human beings on planet earth. We also think that it is infinitely important to ensure that our future generations have a back-bone. This starts with a person’s attitude and emotional fortitude. TBOITBW is something we want to go through your head when your emotions begin to feel threatened. When someone makes you feel like crap – man up! Our position is that there is no way to remain in a state of “being offended” without intelligently and courageously being able to combat the offense. If any individual lives their life in a moral way with virtue and works hard – then there is nothing that anyone can say or do that should emotionally be able to slay you. Everyone puts their pants on the same way and for heaven’s sake – words are words! What ever happened to “sticks and stones can break my bones – but words can never hurt me?” We lost that along the way here in America and we at TBOITBW want it back! In most of the world people don’t have time for this nonsense and they’re just trying to make it to the next day or even maybe to their next meal. As indebted free Americans we should never forget the sacrifices of our fore fathers, both biological and in country, whom have risked or given their lives for the beautiful freedoms which we all inarguably enjoy. These brave Men and Women did not have time to be “offended” when they built out great nation and died for her freedoms. They stood up, fought, worked, and heroically solidified a future for us all.
Please help support our effort. A portion of every purchase is donated to foundations that assist veterans with successful transitions from uniformed service into careers in civilian America as well as foundations fighting for suicide awareness and prevention efforts.
*Indicates a reference to a movement or an elitist cloud-like social-illuminati and in no way refers to any one group or community based on any possible anthropologic characteristics or sexual preference/ gender choices.